
Claire • Proud mummy of a one year old daughter, hoping to male her a big sister. 💗👶🏼
Hi ladies I'm back. Such a horrendous week. Monday I started bleeding (6 weeks on the dot). Gp made me an appointment at the early pregnancy ward for Wednesday (yesterday). I get there they do the scan and tell me that the GS is collapsing and they couldn't see a YS or embryo and we should prepare ourselves for a MC. They decided to do a blood test to test how high my HCG was. They said they'd call me later in the day (yesterday) with the result and book another appointment to repeat the blood test Friday. They called me last night as promised with a level for me..... 34658!!!! And also said they were satisfied with the count so not to come back until Wednesday (next week) for another scan to confirm things either way. We are in limbo. They can't tell us either way atm. I don't want to get my hopes up in case it does end in a MC but equally I don't want to be all doom and gloom for the next week and it's great news. How would you ladies respond to this situation?? I need guidance and prayers right now.