42yo, 11W pregnant with #2

Erika • Licensed mental health counselor & creative art therapist

Hi mamas!

I'm 11W today and pregnant with baby #2. My first is 18M yesterday (in photo);and they share a due date!

I've had 2 miscarriages so I just lay low with my pregnancies and tell no one until after month 4.

Since I'm over 40 the high-risk patrol is always nagging me and I hate it. More Dr visits, more tests, more "what if" questions. I have to go to 2 separate hospitals because the one closest doesn't do the high risk tests, and then I have to find child care for my 18M old and its been just lots of stress.

I feel like all 4 pregnancies I never got to celebrate th and they were nothing how I expected or hoped. No one showered me with attention, there wasn't much excitement. I always thought it was fun to be pregnant, I like maternity clothes, and baby showers. But my first was very disappointing and with Covid, this one is starting out blah.