My baby hit his mouth on his sippy cup 😭

I feel so bad! It happened really fast. I don’t let him cruise around with his cup because I know accidents can happen. But he was sitting on the floor and pointed to his cup so I got it for him. I don’t really even know how it happened since he was sitting but he tipped forward onto the floor and smashed the sippy into his mouth because he was in the middle of getting a drink. He cried so hard and there was a little bit of blood. 😭

He won’t let me get a very good look, but it doesn’t look like there’s anything major to happened to his mouth. I can’t even see where he was bleeding. But now when he goes to get a drink he cries like it hurts. I think maybe it hit one of his top teeth - none of them are loose or anything though. Has anyone else’s kiddo done this? Should I worry that it’s still hurting him now about an hour later? I feel like a horrible mom 😞