Sanitizing groceries in pregnancy (Covid)


Hey ladies,

Ever since I got pregnant (I’m 33 weeks now) we had been disinfecting groceries with Lysol spray (the first 2 months-bad idea I know 🤦‍♀️) then we switched to disinfectant wipes or spraying disinfectant on a paper towel then wiping as a precaution against Covid up until literally last week. We only wiped packaging (plastic bags, things wrapped in plastic wrap, boxes, tubs, bottles etc) never sprayed/wiped our direct food to our knowledge. Anyway, my anxiety is getting the best of me and now I’m terrified that I might have been unknowingly exposing my baby boy to chemicals this entire time ( I’m worried it got through the packaging and into some of the food I’ve been eating over the last 8 months). Im now terrified that I have harmed my baby from all the chemicals. Am I being ridiculous? Should I be worried? Will my baby be okay? All the scans and genetic tests have been normal, but I’m worried I did harm to him when all I was trying to do was protect him and myself from Covid 😭.

PS: I know my anxiety is bad, I just started counseling last week to help, so please be understanding of my concern.