Pregnancy jealousy

Guys I really need to rant and cry a little bit 🥺😭

Me and my wife have been ttc around 5 months which I know really isn’t that long. I see people all the time who get pregnant with babies on my social media’s and of course I wish it were me too but I am usually always super excited for them and tell myself my time Is coming and not to worry.

Well my little brother in law who is a 16 year old child and his girlfriend (who I LOVE don’t get me wrong) have just confided in me they are pregnant and I am just so sad and jealous 😭 I love them both dearly and I’m grateful they know they can always come to me even when they are scared it just hurts my heart and makes me ask god WHY are young children conceiving so easy (twice now apparently. She informed me they had a chemical pregnancy this year already rip👶🏻) and it seems so hard for me a woman almost 30. I’m being childish but it still makes me so dang sad lord please let this month be my month too 🥺 thanks for letting me vent y’all. I would never ever say anything negative to them so this really is my safe place to let it out.

Baby dust