Should I break up?

My boyfriend made a group chat with me and other girls and boys recently to become a group friend for going out.

But the way he talks to girls was always something that can bother me but I ignored it by thinking he's just being "friendly" because he is.

But these past days he has been saying jokes and they're kinda inappropriate. Becasue they are all in relationship.

For example he was talking to thei girl and he said: ok no problem i'll give you the new york city.

It's ok it's related to what the girl said. And the girl said: ok I'll be satisfied.

But then he said: it'a good to be less satisfied.

The girl: it's "ok" for the satrt.. let's see if anything comes up later.

Him: you better not want to take my boxers off.

The girl: I'm not done with you

Him: I'm done playing truth or dare.

I mean they all went to a cafe today but my dad didn't let me go becasue of the quarantine... so i guess they were playing truth or dare? But what kind of a girl who just met a boy for the first time would tell him to take your boxers off infront of her botfriend ?! But I still am pissed off because of the way he talks to other girls. I'm not that kind of a girl who tells them what to do or not. But he saw me once it really pissed me off when he chatted w my firend (which he didn't know) too friendly.

I don't know if it's flirting or being friendly. But I don't feel safe and secure anymore. What do u guys think?