I barely know him and he messaged my friend about my body

I posted a throw back wedding invite card on snap saying I can’t believe it already been a year and tagged my friend. A day later she messages me saying some guy was asking about me, like what type of body I had, height, and if I have a small chest or booty. I asked who and now I’ve never met this guy, he found my FB through a mutual page we followed and post to. We’ve been talking on and off for 2 years on insta and have been friends on snap for maybe about 5 months. Now, he lives 1,000 miles away and not once have I expressed interest only friends. I dont post many selfies because as great as hearing I’m so beautiful or stunning from several guys, after years of self hatred and caring what others think, I want self acceptance to come from within. So I post for me when I want to post. So that might mean once every 3 months. He’s asked me what I look like and how tall I was. I’m 5’2 and he told me he doesnt like girls with curves or weigh more than 112 pounds. Now I have a C cup chest, stretch marks that are healed, but a booty and weigh 130. He’s 30 mind you and he told me a girl has to be 5’2 but nothing under 5 feet because he is 5’4 but doesn’t like super short girls. He prefers flat chest and small booties and no extra weight on a girl. Several times he’ll be like my friends want to know what you look like or I forgot what you look like or they’re saying you’re a catfish. Oh well dude, I only post for me

It threw me off guard when he messaged my friend trying to confirm how I look. I told him how 2 years ago I gained 40 pounds due to thyroid and lost it, but he was super rude like wow ya I heard people with thyroid issues can gain a lot. So how much do you weigh now? And for sure you lost the weight? So I didn’t even entertain him anymore. I won’t respond to his messages. Idk what to do do I look past it? Delete him or call him out

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