TTC baby 2


Good afternoon! I am currently TTC number two and have been trying for two months. Last month my cycle finally got back on a normal track since coming off my birth control. The first time I ovulated after coming off the pill I got a cyst. I tracked ovulation last month (33 day cycle) and I got a “peak” positive ovulation test on 9/6. I used preseed and we did the deed 9/5, 9/6 and 9/7 with no luck of getting pregnant this past month. I am writing to see if anyone can give me advice on anything I could try differently. I workout 6 days a week majority weightlifting and cardio. So I’m not sure if working out that hard effected anything. My period started 9/20 making my cycle this month 31 days per the Flo app. Is there anyone who can give me advice on what to try differently? When we were ttc baby number one we got pregnant on month 3 and used preseed. The only difference is I wasn’t working out. Ive been consistently working out for a year so I didn’t think it could have a huge effect but wanted to ask. Thanks so much for any help!