do you cope?

Randi • In love with my best friend. ❤ 5/26/18 👰🤵 Mama to the perfect baby boy born 11/14/19👶💙

I have a wonderful life. I have a hardworking, loving husband and a beautiful little boy. I am very blessed. I am just struggling recently with a lack of... fulfillment? I think. My husband gets to go to work every day, he's got a career that he worked hard for and always dreamed of having. He plays in a tennis league and loves it. I...take care of our home and our son. My husband has said many, many times that all I have to do is say the word and he'll watch our son while I go so something. I just don't know what to do. I don't have any hobbies, I don't have a field I'm passionate about to study or work in, none of my friends live close. I feel like I'm mom, wife, housekeeper. Don't get me wrong, I have no regrets. I love being a SAHM. But I want to feel like...myself again. I want to have fun, learn, make money, get fit, SOMETHING. I feel like I'm missing something. How do y'all deal with that feeling? Do you feel it? What should I do?