Kids on YouTube


I'm sure this has been talked about before but I haven't seen it in recent CC posts, but let me know if I'm wrong and just didn't see it.

How do you feel about parents putting their kids on the internet for millions to see?

I feel sort of neutral about it, I think if it's a little thing here and there then it's not a big deal, especially if the child is older and is absolutely ok with it.

However, I notice there's tons of parents that literally market their kids on youtube and use them for profit. These kids work full time and have to deal with school still, plus they don't even get a normal social life, I'd imagine they are so disconnected. Some have strict uploading schedules or even post everyday, where's the time for them to just be kids.

I'm torn cause part of me thinks it's fine if the kids genuinely enjoy it, but also how's it going to affect them once they are older.

How do you feel about it? Do you think there's nothing wrong with it, that it's ok at a certain age, or that it shouldn't happen at all?

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