Second time mom and SCARED

So I know as a second time mom I always here other moms saying “you don’t need to be scared for the delivery that’s the easy part, everything else that comes after is hard.” Or something like that. And as a mom already I know that’s true it’s a tough road being a mom especially with a young baby. But man I hope I’m not the only second time mom who’s terrified to give birth again. I WISH I had a wonderful story about my perfect first labor lol but I do not. It was tough. I labored not for too long from start to finish it was 8 hours of intense contractions. And I got an epidural at 8 cm that worked wonderfully. For me it was the pushing that was awful and it’s funny because everyone says that’s the best part for me that was the worst. I had this incredible back pain I felt like I was snapping in half and pushing took way longer then I thought, nearly 2 hours. And most of the time I was in just agony. And then to top it off the placenta didn’t come out properly so I had a doctor up there trying to scrape it out. And then to top everything off my daughter aspirated and needed to be in special care. Ugh. Such an awful story. Anyone else scared like me for a repeat? I hope for a much better story but I’m not sure what to expect I can’t help but think the worst.