He cheated on me and his exes are making fake accounts to message me. Is this narcissistic abuse?

Guys I am so upset, so I was in a relationship with a guy for 2.5 years and was gonna marry him and we even tried for kids. Our breakup was because he mentally snapped and all in all the relationship was toxic. In the beginning he love bombed me and would get physical on himself like punching his face if he didn’t get his way, when I tried leaving he would say no. Eventually I became numb and accepted the situation. Now unless you’ve been through this, leaving isn’t easy. So August 2019 I left because he was getting treatment and I realized how toxic he was. He was on meds and suddenly he was amazing. So of course I cracked and get casually got back together. He’d sleep over, we’d have sex, like literally went back to how things were without the abuse. Around November he picked me up and on his windshield there was a stick figure drawing of a girl but passenger side. I asked him about it and he said he drew it. So I let it go. Another week passed and he got a text from someone saved as L. I asked him about it and he said it was a guy from work. Something felt off and I was able to find out that the number belonged to his ex, his ex he “casually” ran into after we broke up. The ex he told me he talked on the phone with all the time talking about our breakup, and how she has a boyfriend (turned out she never did). Claimed she contacted him thinking it was his brothers number. He told me he was allowed to have female friends. I kinda let it go but he kept coming over spending the night and when it was my birthday and he didn’t even reach out, that was the last straw for me. A week later he asked if I wanted to see zoo lights and I said no and told him I’m done. This was almost beginning of January of 2020.

Not even a few days later, all these fake/ real accounts were messaging me on Insta. One was from his ex in another state basically claiming I stole her baby daddy and he promised to come back and take care of them 2 years ago right when I met him. Now he doesn’t have a kid or at least claims not to. Another message was from his ex in the same state as us claiming he raped her 2 years ago and has been fucking around with his ex the L girl since September. She also told me I’d be better off not being around him. Then another account was bashing me of abandoning him

He kept watching my stories and he tagged me in a post in March about how he’s in a relationship with his ex the L girl. And in the post he commented how everyone is telling him he’s moving on too soon. So I blocked him

Some hate messages here and there came in but I slowly started healing and realized how much I wasn’t missing and just how toxic he was. Threatening suicide, punching holes, he raped me early on in our relationship. And I walked away without anyone knowing my side. So recently the messages have started again and the ex with the baby was pretending to be his new GF. I caught on when she claimed the wrong mall near us. Theres one mall in a 50 mile radius and she claimed it was located in a town 4 hours away. Then she came clean how she was pretending. So I of course check the profile of the girl who claimed he raped her, and turns out she had tons of pictures of him on her profile and he kept calling her baby and using kids emoji but his bio was still the L girl. So I blocked them all but more fake accounts keep popping up. I can’t tell if he’s telling them to do this or not

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