Weaning after 15.5 months of nursing


Ellie and I's beautiful, breastfeeding journey is coming to an end. I started off just nursing her a couple times a day (big difference from the usual what seemed like 50x a day!), and she's went over 24 hours since our last nursing session. While it is bittersweet, I'm also just feeling relieved to have my body back to myself. She does still try to nurse, but I simply say, "No, no. All gone!" And she's fine but not always. It's the worst when she's tired, but I manage, and I DON'T give in, even at bedtime! She's fussy at first, but I soothe her in other ways, singing lullabys, back rubs, swaying while holding her. She loves belly rubs too haha!

It's been a little difficult, but I knew it would be. After all, nursing has been Ellie's favorite source of comfort and food/drink since the day she was born. But I also knew she would be okay as long as she still had her mama. Plus, kids are resilient! I also knew it was in both our best interests, because I'm just over it, all the digging, scratching, pinching, tickling.. I'm just done! She always puts her hand down my shirt(scratching my neck and chest on the way down), and I would always just give in and nurse, feeling defeated. Or, she would just go into my shirt and whip the boob out herself. It's all fun in games until she does it in front of male family members or in public 🥴 Good thing I'm quick lol It didn't bother me to nurse in public, but I didn't want to be a walking peep show 😅

Needless to say, this mama was more than ready to wean her boob addicted babe! I've enjoyed our, quiet, tender moments together so much, but I feel it's time to end it, on a high note though! I nursed my first until her first birthday. She was nowhere near addicted to the boob as much as Ellie is! She never even put her hand down my shirt once! So weaning has been much harder this time around! This is the perfect example of all babies are different 😍

The engorgement process hasn't been bad at all though! I was really expecting the worst, because Ellie and I have been at it for so long. I guess it's because I quit cold turkey with my first. Weaning slowly seriously makes all the difference! The first day or two was a bit painful, but I'm not uncomfortable at all anymore!

Oh and I'm already having premenstrual symptoms 🙃 Yay! Haha! I guess I can't really complain though since it's been over TWO YEARS since my last period 😳 I just hope Aunt Flow doesn't come back with a vengeance, but if I can go through labor and delivery without any pain meds, I'm sure I can handle her at her worst. I'm a tough cookie! 🍪

Anyway! Besides the cramps and sore boobs, I'm feeling really great and at peace with my decision. I know I can bond with Ellie in so many other ways, and I can't wait to explore all those fun and non irritating ways together ❤ The The fact that I can say we made it this far, best believe I am one proud mama! 😁

If you've made it this far, thank you for reading ♡