Told him I’m unhappy

My husband and I have been having problems for a while now. Mostly due to the fact that he is a slob, he throws his clothes on the floor and leaves them there and he eats food and leaves the plates everywhere leaves garbage anywhere. I’m at wits end he goes out with his friend who smokes and drinks to the point of it being dangerous, he has dropped our daughter before while drunk or while high (I went to the bathroom and he dropped her). He goes out of his way to do what I say annoys me just because he “likes seeing me mad” it’s just hurtful

I told him recently that I am unhappy with the way that he is acting and that if it doesn’t change I will leave, except I don’t want to break up our family, I promised myself my kids would never experience a broken home.

I don’t know how to get through to him, all he does is complain he’s sad or depressed and dump his emotional baggage on me when I can’t handle it on top of all the housework and running after our kids. I suggest therapy and he just doesn’t listen says that’s what I’m for but he’s making me depressed I barely have energy anymore and I dread him coming home because I know he’ll make a mess of the house leave it for me to clean and then complain or yell when I ask him to pick it up.

I think we’re heading towards divorce, i asked him for couples therapy and he says “yeah” but never actually wants to go when it’s time.

I need some advice.

How do I leave without traumatizing my kids and leaving things on a friendly note?

All advice welcome