My husband is a gem!

Ashley • endo & pcos warrior. Married to my best friend 8.12.17. Mom to Annaliese 6.24.19 and Luke 8.1.23👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👶💕

So, to make a long story short, I've always struggled with body confidence issues my entire life. I try to be confident and strong and happy with my body, but sometimes I give in to the blues. I look at my pp body, my mom bod, and think "I'm fat." "I'm unattractive." " I'm not sexy to my husband anymore." just to name a few. I've had moments where I feel powerful and think " look what an awesome thing my body did!" and moments where I feel weak and start thinking the things mentioned above. I will cry. Well, recently, I had one of these weak moments and started balling my eyes out. I had been bombarded with emails and Instagram ads that day about how to get your pre-baby body back, which didn't help matters much. My husband held me close, looked at me as he wiped away the tears and said "you have always been beautiful and attractive to me. But, I find you more beautiful, more sexy, more desirable to me because you gave us that. " and he pointed to our daughter, who is now 15 months old. Then he finishes it off by saying "and I love you all the more for it." needless to say, I'm still crying. How did I get such a gem.