What is your baby eating?


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Have been doing baby led weaning since 6 months. It's a slow start but they eventually get it. It's so much fun watching her try new foods. Look up Katie Ferraro online and babyledweanteam on Instagram. That was super helpful as I had no idea even where to begin.


seastrv • Oct 4, 2020
Yesss! She’s so helpful, I also love solidstarts. 🙌🏻


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Were doing blw so pretty much everything we eat


🐷 • Sep 27, 2020
He's 7.5 months. We started blw right at 6m, he was meeting all milestones to be ready. Oh wow is it common where you live to start solids that late? I'm in Ontario, our hospital sent home a feeding baby booklet with us saying to start at 6m (I did some other research for blw) and then when we went to our 6m appointment, about a week after he turned 6m our doctor expected us to have already started and just checked in that we had. Interesting how it varies!


Selena • Sep 27, 2020
How old is your baby? I been waiting for the green light from my sons pediatrician but so far still just baby food. She told us to wait for any solids until 8-9 months


🐷 • Sep 24, 2020
It's going really well! He loooves it haha I was really nervous to start but it's been great.


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Everything. Avocado, bananas, potatoes, egg, toast. There's nothing he doesn't like lol


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We're doing purees and some of our food


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Baby Led Weaning