Minimalist Living


Hi, Ladies

I have a dilemma. My partner growing up without, loves stuff. He didn't have much growing up and loves to be able to buy things, for the house, kids, himself. Because of this our home is being a collect all. So much stuff. An I mean it's not like he's a hoarder at all.

Then there is me... I grew uo with 12 siblings and there was always stuff everywhere. Constantly cleaning, constant clutter. It was a headache and I hated it and still hate it. To if it's not a necessity or there is a surplus of wants and its just sat laying around then to me it's clutter. An it drives me crazy because I've seen how it builds up and becomes way to much.

I want to go through our home and clear out what isn't necessary, and what isn't really used that often of the stuff that was just because. But my partner doesn't want too. He says it would make us look either stingy or poor. I've told him how, I want to rather save and buy things that are going to be something longterm. Like instead of buying a chunky lounge set for our livingroom rooms. I want to get the sectional set where you can re arrange it. Or side tables, that double as a side table, magazine / paper holder, and has a charging station within to get rid of the need for so many extension cords.

I've ask to mount tvs rather than having bully TV stands or TV stands in general. An maybe replace a TV stand with a lovely thin pin legged table for our air diffuser and holiday decor.

I also want to rid of our 3 dinning sets and switch over to bento boxes. An kitchenware that is multi purposed.

I also want to throw out the 5 black trash bags worth of toys by donating them and keeping a box of toys that our kids currently play with. I personally would rather save for the zoo, family trips, museums, going to the Orchards, Theme Parks, Macy's Day Parade every other year. Than buy stuff. I want my kids to have experience I never got to have. An that they can learn from too and reminisce about and help my boys bond with each other. Rather than toys that are for indoor play that they argue over.

Is it wrong to want to rid of so much? I know my partner hates to clean up toys, doing dishes. It's not like I'm trying to make anyone go without. Just to rid of things that aren't being used often. An replace things we have a abundance of eith things that will save more space and time picking up.