Please help me firgure this out with visitations due to COVID-19

So on August 20th the father of my two kids and his Gf tested positive for COVID-19. We had to stop visits because of it. He is renting a room with 4 other people and I’m not sure if he exposed them to it. I’m not even sure if he told them that he have the virus and idk if he exposed them to it. My concern is that I don’t feel comfortable enough for my kids to go because I’m scared that he will expose them to that virus and I would feel kore comfortable if everyone in the home gets tested and disinfect the whole house. I have sole custody of my children and recently had court for an update on how visitations are going. I told the judge about my concerns but she basically brushed them of as if it wasn’t a big deal. I have asthma and can’t afford to get sick plus take care of sick kids altogether. He claims that he took a test and it was negative but idk I just don’t feel comfortable still.

The reasons as to why I don’t feel comfortable are because he lies a lot, he told the judge he doesn’t know where he got the virus from when he already told me. He was at work when he got exposed to it. He was working near someone that came in to work on the 10th day of being quarantined instead of the 14th day and he wasn’t even wearing a mask while he was working when it’s mandatory. Another reason is that he was going out in public while he had symptoms when he could expose the virus to anyone. He’s just not responsible enough. My kids are 8 and 11 and I have a 2 year old with someone else. Idk what to do. He want to start having visitations again and idk if it’s too soon or what.

I have concerns and I don’t trust this man. A little background about him and why I have a hard time trusting him. About 4 years ago there was no court order in place and he wanted to take the kids and I let him. I called to check in on them and that man was intoxicated out in the street with my kids. I didn’t let him drive my kids because of his getting a few DUI’s but instead he took Bart and the bus thinking it was safer and he wouldn’t do no stupid shit. But nope. I was so worried and desperate of him bringing back my kids. I did not let him take the kids after that for a few months and then he started telling me how he changed and that he learned and started begging me to see the kids. I let him and he did that shit again. My daughter told me that he was with a friend and he was drinking out of his beer. My daughter ended up telling him that “my mommy said not to drink” what a fucking shame for a kid to have to tell her dad that. All because she doesn’t want him to fuck it up for them to have to see him.

Another this that he did a few years ago was this man had left a phone with some girl which was underage and she had the audacity to call me asking for him as if I knew where he was. When she called I didn’t know of her age until later. She told me that a friend of his told her that he got shot and that he was airlifted to the hospital. She even told me that she was pregnant by him. Come to find out that it was all a lie. He was trying to fake his death to get away from that girl because he got her pregnant plus she was underage. I bring up this shot in court and they don’t do shit about it.

But yeah those are reasons why I don’t trust him.

If you guys were in my shoes what would you guys do? Is it too soon to have my kids go with their dad?