What kind of disorder is it when..

Someone has to be..

-the “smartest”, always showing how smart they are, getting easily offended when someone else makes a suggestion or offers information because of course they already know and how dare they insult their intelligence (this person actually is very smart though)

-the center of attention

-thinks they’re better than everyone else

-thinks less of women

-thinks they’re always right

-wants to be well liked and can be charming, popular, and very personable

-has anger problems and driving aggression

-attracts negative energy and bad things always happen to them

-is generally toxic and is verbally abusive

-refers to other people as “earthlings” because he feels he’s above them

This is actually about an uncle who I used to be very close with but who completely ruined our relationship. I still can’t wrap my head around him and wish I knew what disorder he fits