
Hey Queens!

I need some advice tonight. Please do not judge, just don’t comment if you do not agree with my faith. This year I have recently started growing my relationship with God. And I’m so so very grateful for it! But it’s caused some conflict in my relationship with my boyfriend.

He has called me a Jesus freak and says I’m shoving the Bible in his face. And I must admit I do talk about my Lord quite a bit, but it just makes me so happy to talk about God.

I’ve told my Boyfriend that I know how happy God makes me and I just want him to feel the same joy but it doesn’t it just makes him angry. He loves God and says that his relationship with God is fine, I just disagree especially if he is getting mad when I bring up scriptures from the Bible. He has told me that I just need to focus on “saving me and not worrying about him, that he will do it in his own time” but I say do it now cause you never know when your time will be up on this earth.

I also don’t know if our relationship is going to last if we have different beliefs like this. I want God to be the center of our relationship and he is not.

Any Advice ?