Help please

So I had mildy painful contractions last night or so I thought. I had them for about four hours it was the first time I have felt any that hurt a little but they went away. So my question is where they Braxton hicks since they stopped or pre labor. Might I add my due date is tomorrow. With my first child I went into labor the day after my due date. My water broke no contractions so I feel a bit of inexperienced. I get strong Braxton hicks but not like what I had last night. They where consistent in that time frame. That is why I also noticed a difference since when I get Braxton hicks they are so random I don't pay attention to them but these where coming constantly at about every 30 min about 40 seconds long by the time I started to keep track they started to ease up and I managed to go to sleep hoping they were real and wake up to worse ones.