TW: Animal abuse/animal death

I’m posting this because I’m honestly so mad, and horrified. I went home yesterday to find my dad had killed my cat. On purpose. I was pulling up into my driveway when I heard a really loud bang. It sounded like the door. I thought it was weird so I got out to go check what was up. My dad has always been a pretty bad alcoholic. I notice my dog was outside running around and he’s not allowed to be loose outside. I catch him and I go to take him back inside and I see my dad with my cat. He threw it over the hillside. My first thought was maybe he had accidentally ran it over and he was trying to get rid of it before I got home. So I run back inside with my dog and then that’s when I see what’s disturbing. There was blood splattered everywhere. It was on the door, the washer, and floor. My stomach just dropped. I just run back outside without thinking and he’s standing there clearly shocked to see I’m there. He had scratches on his hand. I pretended I didn’t notice anything because I was so freaked out. I have more cats and I have three dogs. I don’t even want to leave them there alone anymore with him. I was going to tell my mom but I didn’t want her to be upset. I’ve been so angry all day about this. I told my sister but I didn’t tell her about seeing the blood. He cleaned it up with some shirts that were in the laundry room and burnt them outside. What he did was so cruel and heartless. I really don’t think I can ever see him the same way ever again. I’ve always had trust issues with my dad since he was an alcoholic, but this has took it to a whole new level. He’s never hurt me or any of my other family but he just loses control so fast. I don’t really know what to do.


I don’t think it was an accident. I know I’m not exactly an expert on this kind of thing but the way the blood was on the door kind of seemed like he could have crushed it with the door. He has always said how much he hated my cat but I never thought he would do something like that to an animal. When I saw him with the scratches he said “one of the cats scratched me when I was walking by. I can’t stand it when they do that.” I mean I guess he could have crush it on accident when going through the door. I don’t really know. All I know is he seemed fidgety and guilty. Unless he hurt the cat really bad and just decided to kill him to get him out of his misery? But why would he do that inside of the house? In that kind of way? 😕