Early contractions like period cramps?

Zoe🇬🇧 • Leo 30 Sept 2020 - my due date baby 💙 Ollie 15 March 2023 - my mermaid baby 💙 Archie 29 August 2024 - my induced baby 💙

Its almost 3am and I’ve been awake since about 1:30am on/off with what I can only describe as period like cramp ‘contractions’ that come in waves....not regular enough or strong enough to warrant timing them but wondered if anyone else started their labour off like this?

Don’t wanna get my hopes up haha!

I’ve also got up to wee loads since then but hardly anything comes out - its like the pressure makes me think I need to go


Went back to sleep at 5am as they got more inconsistent - woke up to contractions again at 7am and have had a slight bloody show but contractions still not coming enough, fingers crossed it progresses more today!!