Should we keep the cleaning lady?


My so and I are planning on my daughters and I moving in with him in Nov-Dec. He hired a cleaning lady awhile back that goes to his house twice a month while he’s at work. His mom lets her in. He told me yesterday that we can still keep her after I move in. But I told him I can clean. I like to keep a clean house all the time. He said maybe she can just go once a month so she can do a deep clean if I want. I told him it’ll depend on my work schedule. I’m not used to someone cleaning for me lol so it’s different but nice I guess. And I also think about the lady, and idk how she lives (financially) so even once a month we could be helping her out. Even though I’m capable of cleaning myself, should we keep her? I feel selfish either way, for my so to pay her for something I’m fully capable of doing myself but also for taking a job away from her.

Note: I will be working full time and my daughters are in grade school and they have been in sports since they were 4 so they will continue that after COVID and we’ll be adding cheer to one and gymnastics to the other.

I forgot to add, I’ll be going to school as well for nursing so I guess even more of a reason to keep her.