
Ashley • 27, Support, encourage, and lift others up•

Is 10dpo too early to be testing? My period is due in 4 days, had some light brown rustic color spotting for 2 days along with mild cramping, woke up this morning and it's gone, I'm going to check later as well. Took a test and it came back negative.

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If you just had the bleeding and it was implantation bleeding you'll have to give it two ish days for HCG to build up. Test tomorrow with fmu and preferably a pink dye test


Ashley • Oct 5, 2020
Okay :) I used first signal one step and I have a couple first response tests I am going to use when period is due. Hoping it doesn't come!


Posted at
I had a negative at 10dpo and a positive at 11dpo so you still have a chance until you AF shows


Jade • Oct 5, 2020
I totally understand. I tested from 9dpo and just saw negatives but then it caught me by surprise when I saw a positive at 11dpo as it was a proper negative at 10dpo. Just hang in there, it will happen when you least expect it


Ashley • Oct 5, 2020
It just makes me so sad when I don't see anything. Ya know?


Jade • Oct 5, 2020
I know the feeling! I because obsessed in taking pregnancy tests. Peeing on a stick became my thing! 😂