Very weird but surprising day with a friend!

So today I went out with a friend to have lunch and do just some shopping near the place where the restaurant we were eating at was.

And my friend and I drifted in different directions because she was looking for something specific and so was I, and before I knew it she was way on the other side of the store somewhere and I was just alone looking at things randomly because I couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for, but hoped something would give me a idea.

Well, as I was looking this man came up beside me and just seemed to be looking at what I was looking at and I really didn’t think much of him since it appeared that he was looking for something. That was until he just started talking to me.

I live in a really friendly place and strangers tend to strike up conversations out of nowhere, so I’m used to it even though I really don’t like talking to strangers or most people.

He made small talk about just different things, until he asked if I was single, I replied I am not single and I’m a minor.

Both of those things are lies. I’m actually 19 but look like a 13 year old and am 5’0, so I pass. Most people think I’m younger than I am so sometimes as well so I just use the minor card when specifically a man is creeping me out.

But even after saying those two things, he didn’t leave me alone!

He asked how old I was and I just said I was 15, and his answer was “oh! So just one more year until you’re the age of consent. Nice!” Excuse me... WHAT?! I didn’t even know how to react to that because I’ve never heard anyone say that! I still am shocked he even said that to me!

I said that was very inappropriate thing to say to me. And he just laughed it off and then proceeded to ask for my number.

I told him that I won’t give it to him because once again, I’m not only a minor, but I’m taken and don’t want ANY sort of relationship with a full grown adult.

He kept saying like “it’s fun to be with a older guy” and “we don’t have to tell your boyfriend” and just other stuff like that(which was sooo gross!)

He also started to get closer to me and I felt so uncomfortable that he was getting closer to me and just not leaving me alone. So I asked if he would please leave me alone because I’m not interested in anything he’s saying.

And he started talking again but I wasn’t focused really on him because from behind him I see this really tall guy come up to us and to my surprise, tells the man to leave me alone because he was my boyfriend and didn’t like how close he was to me and didn’t like how a grown man was hitting on a minor and how simply creepy he was.

This guy was at least 7 or more inches taller than the guy that was talking to me, so I guess he got intimidated slightly because he just got annoyed but left once the tall guy came over to stand beside me and was in the action of putting his arm around me but didn’t.

As soon as the guy turned his back the tall guy took his arm away and stepped back from me.

I thanked him for doing and he said it wasn’t a big deal because the was being super creepy and didn’t like how even after I told him I was a minor wouldn’t leave me alone.

He heard our entire conversation from the other isle(I didn’t think we were talking that loud but apparently we were) and just wanted to come over and help me.

Of course, this guy has a mask on(as did I) but while looking into his eyes, something about him made him seem familiar to me. But just with eyes and hair showing, that didn’t help.

I guess he saw I was trying to figure out something and he asked me if I recognized him or not even with a mask on.

I kind of stood there shocked because it’s obvious we somehow know each other but I had no idea who he was and kind or felt bad.

He then explained it had been about 6 or more years since we’ve seen each other. That didn’t help because there were many people(including guys) I hadn’t seen since then!

So he asked me this very random but specific question that only I and a few others would either know or remember, and it clicked who he was, but for confirmation I said his name, and he looked happy(seemed to be smiling because his eyes light up and kind of scrunched together) and he confirmed that’s who he was!

He was someone that I really didn’t consider a friend but we were apart of this big friend group so I saw a lot of him for many years until almost the beginning on 8th grade maybe? But it was definitely before he hit puberty because his voice is so much deeper now that it once was.

Even though it had been so many years and recognized my voice and just kept listening in on what was going on then decided he should step in because he could tell the man wasn’t going to leave me alone until I either gave him my number, or someone else could possibly come over near us.

I honestly thought(and think) it was super cool how he recognized my voice after it had been so long and I told him that and he told me I have a unique voice that he wouldn’t ever be able to forget(I don’t think I have a unique voice but that was honestly nice/sweet to hear). He also thinks about the times we(friend group) used to hang out and do stuff because nobody really keeps in touch with each other anymore.

I think about those moments too but thought that was just me but was nice to see someone else from the friend group was like that.

We ended up just walking around and chatting until I ended up finding my friend(then introducing them) and then getting ready to go to leave. But! Before I parted ways with him we ended up swapping numbers and he texted me like 30 minutes later asking if we could go to lunch soon and catch up a bit more because he wants to hear how I’ve been, so I guess we’ll see what happens with him and I(if we start more of a friendship then what we had).

Still was a good, but very weird day for me.