Was this called for?

Saw text message thread in my hubs phone that wasn’t with his other messages. Plus, it didn’t have a name. So, I text the number.

Update: I posted this anonymously to genuinely seek an understanding; like if I’m that out of touch with reality. I have learned to communicate by stating facts and/or supporting statements, not to be accusatory, but to state the known. I have also learned that it’s best for me to do this through writing, to help lessen the blow from those who are prone to using gaslighting techniques.

This is why I approached it in such a manner. This is also why I chose to not ask my husband first.

I spoke on what was known, then asked how they knew each other (the unknown). I don’t believe I was being passive aggressive. Call it naive, but I believe in sisterhood and saw it as rational to approach another adult female with the question that was asked.

This isn’t his primary job. It’s a part time job that he picked up at a gas station, to help out while I stay at home to help our kids with virtual learning. He’s been there a couple of weeks. I didn’t jeopardize his employment by texting her. I have seen the work schedule and the word manager is listed next to other names, but nowhere near hers. She may have trained him and has seniority to the length of time there, but their positions are listed the same. Cashier, manager, whatever, that doesn’t change her lack of conflict resolution skills.

As for her keeping it real; I saw it as her keeping it real ignorant and being another person that leaned towards gaslighting when approached with something they didn’t want to deal with. If it was no big deal and I shouldn’t be hurt, then why so over the top with it? Then to add a sprinkle of “Have a blessed day dear”, like her recent words were prime examples of what Jesus would do. Naw, I still don’t think it was called for.

My husband came home from his primary job, yesterday, came into the room where I was, and stood there and stared at me for bout a good five minutes. I had sent him the thread earlier in the day. Didn’t say anything. Then, left to take a nap in order to prepare for his part time job.