Pep talk please


We have a 10 day old and things are going fairly smooth. However I cannot seem to control my anxiety.

I had bad postpartum with our first son, so this time I started medication during my pregnancy to try and stay ahead of it. And I will say my mood is better so far than with my son but I still have anxiety.

I’m so nervous about adjusting to 2 kids and how it’s going to work when my husband goes back to work. I also forgot how hard the newborn stage is and trying to cope with the lack of sleep.

I know it gets better but right now I can’t seem to remember at what point it starts feeling easier. For those with 2 kids, how long did it take to get adjusted to a new schedule.

With my son he was in his own room by 2 months, but this time she will be room sharing with us for at least 6 months as we haven’t moved yet and only have a 2 bedroom. How does it work room sharing? I’m scared she won’t learn to self soothe when she can she us