Breech - 36 Weeks


Hey mommas!

This is my second pregnancy, and I’m 36 weeks with a baby girl! 💗 We have a 17 month old son, who was born at 38 weeks 5 days naturally and came on his own, despite his being 5 lbs. 4 oz. and labeled as IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction), which basically means my placenta just stopped giving him nutrients. He was born healthy and all was well!

Baby girl is measuring very healthy and does not have IUGR, so we are counting our blessings! She is breech, and they told me they would most likely schedule us for a c-section. I’m all for doing what’s best and am not one to go against the grain, but I feel like she has so much time to turn! I’m not dilated at all, and so I feel like my body still has time to prepare and will know what to do. They will check at my 37 week appointment and gave us the option of scheduling a EVC to try and turn the baby.

I’m wondering if anyone has tips and tricks on helping her turn on her own, and/or experiences with an EVC procedure? I’m just trying not to stress and trust my body!

Ps. We have her name picked and are going with Elle! This is just her “story” on how she will enter the world!