Has anyone else experienced this postpartum csection ?

I had a csection exactly 2 months ago today. I bled for 2 1/2 weeks. Then 2 weeks later started my period and bled for 8 days straight then it would stop for bout 8 hours then start again for bout 4 days. I went to the doctors due to after this I had sex and started bleeding really bad. I then started to hurt. The doctor said I had a cyst rupture which they thought was causing the off and on bleeding and the little bit of pain I was having and why after sex there was more blood. I took time to heal and had sex again a week later. It hurt a little but I could actually orgasm so it wasn't bad once we got started. Now 2 days later I wake up in the middle of the night and there's blood all over my thighs. I'm hurting, dizzy, and my incision keeps getting hot (this has been happening ever since I went to the doctor for the cyst rupturing), I'm also very cranky and staying tired. I've been taking birth control pills for 2 weeks now and had exactly a week before my period was suppose to start back. I've been on pills before and this has never happened. I'm just trying to figure out what's going on.