Anyone have unusual pre-eclampsia symptoms?


So I've been having these weird spells where I'll feel very light headed, dizzy, jittery, and sometimes nausea. I also feel like my heart is beating really fast. I have a blood pressure monitor at home so I decided to take my blood pressure every time this happens so I can talk to my doctor about it at my appointment. Anyway my blood pressure seems to be pretty normal. The highest it's been was 139/84 but my heart rate is always around 100 or higher. The worst it's been is 120 BPM. I am slightly swollen but not bad. I have headaches here and there but not regularly but when I do have then they're pretty painful. Then tonight I stayed seeing stars for about 10 seconds. Sorry if I sound really paranoid I just have this feeling that something isn't right because I have these dizzy spells all the time and I honestly feel like I'm going to pass out. It's not from dehydration either.

I wanted to add that the only reason I'm wondering if it's pre-eclampsia is because that's the only thing that comes up when I Google my symptoms but I know Dr Google isn't reliable