I hate PCOS

Thanks pcos for making me feel less of a woman and incapable of having a baby and thanks for making me feel so broken. It truly sucks,the hair growth, infertility, missed period, mood swings, weight gain, hair loss, ugh must I even continue on because the list is too long. I'm so overwhelmed today with so many emotions trying to stay positive but at times it truly is hard looking at a test strip being the same results it becomes so regular that eyes aren't even needed.😑 The worst part is finally getting pregnant and miscarriage happens like wow now you have something to add to the list. I'm sorry I just had to vent about PCOS I know we'll all receive our rainbow 🌈 baby in due time some of us have been trying longer then others but we all share that feeling of being disappointed and feeling defeated. Baby dust 💗 to all of you. Let's kick pcos a**