Emani • I`m 25 years old. Mommy to two babies. Baby #3 due October 2020❤️

I’m three days overdue and I’ve officially tried everything!

Curb walking ✅

Lunges ✅

Dancing ✅

Squats ✅

Bouncing on birth ball ✅

Going up/down stairs ✅

Castor oil ✅

Miles Circuit ✅

Membrane sweep ✅

Herbal cocktail ✅

Lots of SEX ✅ ✅✅✅

This little babe refuses to vacate the premises 😱

My midwife said she isn’t ready for some reason and she has to respect that so she’s going to see if I go into labor naturally this weekend and if not, we see what we’ll do on Monday.

Meanwhile, the military wants to induce me and that date is set for November 2nd....nine days from now😭