Successful natural birth 🙌🙏


I have always wanted to have a medication free/natural delivery but with my first I wasn’t able to due to water breaking and I never started having contractions so I had to be induced. This was my second pregnancy and I’m so BLESSED and happy with how my labor and delivery went! It was truly amazing and I’m still in awe with how beautiful and strong our bodies are as women! On Saturday October 17, I had woke up at 6:45 am to my water leaking. I was 39+4 days and scheduled to be induced on Monday the 19 (which I was really not wanting to be induced). We took our daughter to grandmas and headed to the hospital. The nurse checked me and I was 3 CM dilated and 70% effaced. I told them how bad I wanted to try to NOT be induced and my midwife said I was able to try to go into labor on my own until 2pm if I didn’t progress they would need to start pitocin. I immediately started walking, bouncing on yoga ball, and doing squats. I started getting contractions but they weren’t consistent enough so my midwife decided to have me try pumping for 10 minutes every hour. It WORKED and I started having contractions every 2 minutes at 1pm. I was checked at 2pm and had progressed to almost a 5 the nurse said and I was soft. I continued to pump for 10 min and then walk for the remainder of the time. I never sat down except to pump. Around 6 I started to have very strong and longer contractions. At this point I was having to lean on my husband when they would start and we would rock back and forth until the wave would end. I asked to be checked at 6:30 and was told I was 6-7 CM dilated and 90% effaced. She guessed I’d have our baby boy within 2 hours. Almost IMMEDIATELY after being checked I had to lay down because I was shaking and the contractions were getting very strong (over a minute long every 2 minutes). At 7:15, I told my husband that I needed the nurse because I was feeling the need to push. My midwife came in and told me if I felt ready we could go ahead and start pushing. At 7:20 I started pushing and our sweet baby boy was born at 7:33! ❤️🥰 our CHUNKY boy weighed 9 lbs and 1 oz AND I didn’t even tear (thank God)! Going natural was definitely the hardest and most painful thing I have every but as soon as I had him I was able to get up and walk around, which I couldn’t do with my first because I had gotten the epidural. I just wanted to share my story and remind us women how truly amazing our bodies are!!