Marijuana mommies only


Ok so I’m 24 weeks, I smoked weed from 8 weeks until 15 weeks (I had hyperemesis gravidarum) then started again at 22 weeks for two weeks and I’ve been “clean” from smoking joints for about 3 days now, however I still “hotbox” in the car with my bf and can feel the mild effects of it, I feel pretty good right now lol. My question is Will my baby test positive for weed at birth ? I’ve read how hotboxing doesn’t make you test positive, however I’ve hotboxed off of 3 joints today, so if it is in my system it’d pretty much be gone in 2 days max since I’m not traditionally ingesting it, but I do need to get clean but weed helps sooo much with my appetite and nausea, I don’t eat much without it...