Fast Labor


So with my first in January 2019, I had fast or precipitous labor at 38 weeks. I went from first contraction to holding my daughter in less than 3 hours. I barely made it to the hospital (I live 30 minutes away) and I didn’t get pain meds because there was no time. I am now 33 weeks with my son and I am absolutely terrified for birth (I had PTSD from the rapidness of my labor with my first). I’m giving myself anxiety attacks anytime I think that I see a symptom of labor (I don’t actually bug anyone else with my anxiety—I calm myself down before alarming my husband or contacting a doctor). But I don’t know what to do? I’m so on edge and my doctors won’t induce until 39 weeks, but I’m not sure I’ll make it. Any advice on how to relax or advice on talking to my doctors? Also, am I being irrational? I wasn’t this scared with my daughter but birth was a “mystery” and now it’s not.