Prediabetes glucose test

So at my 10 week appt my blood tests showed higher glucose (5.8/120) and I’ll have to get the 3 hour glucose test at only 12 weeks pregnant. I did eat a sugary granola bar before my appt because I didn’t want to feel sick. Wasn’t even thinking about it effecting my blood test. Anyway I’m really sad about this. I barely ate anything for about 4 weeks before my blood test/first appt due to constant nausea. I lost about 15 lbs.

So does this mean I’m just generally at risk for diabetes type 2 ? Or is it just that I may have gestational diabetes? Generally just disappointed in myself and feel like a disgusting fat person. I’m 5’8 and 205 lbs. I never thought I’d be one of those people but here I am. 😞