Please no judgment

I’m having a hard time connecting to this pregnancy 🥺 this is our third baby and I never really had this issue with my previous pregnancies. I had extreme gender disappointment this time with it being our third girl but I mostly got over it and now I feel like most days (out side of physical discomfort) I rather forget I’m pregnant than actually think about it :/ out of all 3 kids this was our first 100% planned & tried for pregnancy so it’s not like it’s a surprise or anything! I’m excited to have my new baby princess but for some reason I just don’t feel it. I’m 18w and I’ve known since I was like 3/4 weeks lol but for some reason I just can’t get my head in the game and connect

To this LO .. like I said I’ve never experienced this so I truthfully have no idea how to cope w this feeling please comment your advice