I have this “friend”

So I have this girl on social media who only added me while I was seeing a friend of hers YEARS ago. I think it was 2015 to be exact. I noticed a few things were kinda sketchy with her..she would always like everything I posted and would comment on things even though I didn’t know her. Then I realized she was screenshotting stuff I’d post and repost it..I was like okay wtv she likes the post..

Then she started kinda taking pictures the way I did and added the same frames around every one.

After we had our little split up she kept posting pictures with this “friend” who I was dating. She’d put like hearts and kissy faces as the captions but it didn’t really bother me since I was the one that ended it lol

Anyway years later i got pregnant and lost the baby. She said the same happened to her (not denying it but it was oddly close together). Then I had gotten pregnant again with my son..about 4 months later she announced she was pregnant.

Now anything I post she takes right away and reposts it..it’s getting me annoyed now lol

I would tell her her baby is beautiful and all the happy firsts and she give a “tnx!”

Recently I started giving solids to my son and I noticed her try upping everything I was doing and was trying to mommy shame me for forumula feeding because she’s a pumper. She asked what kind of toys I buy him and how I make his food..I don’t post my son on social media so obviously she had to copy that too.

Nowwww what really got me is sometimes I’ll post back shots of my baby just to show him off a tad..SHE TOOK THE EXACT SAME PICTURES OF HER DAUGHTER.

I already deleted her from fb but I’m wondering what drives a person to be like this?🙄 it’s like...she doesn’t like me or my advice but she wants to raise her kid just like me?? I’m so confused!! Sorry for th long post I needed to get this out its been getting under my skin got awhile😭😑