Unhelpful Spouse


I recently had ankle surgery, I am not allowed to put any weight on that foot whatsoever so I was given a knee scooter. I am also on pain medications that can make me very drowsy.This has made it difficult to do some everyday things. My spouse refuses to help get anything done. I can't submerge my foot in a bath or shower so I asked for his help to wash my hair and he was so rude about it that my 11 year old offered to do it. Even my 3 year old realizes that there's things mom can't do right now so he will even help out. I dont know how to get my spouse to be willing to help out more. It may even be a lost cause. I'm getting very concerned about how I'm going to get back to work in 5 weeks since I won't be able to drive and yes he won't do that either because it inconveniences his gym time unless my 3 year old and I get up at 5 am to go with him. Mind you daycare doesn't open until 6 and I don't work until 7 am. Im so frustrated and angry.