Ultrasound rescheduled.. :(



I don't know exactly what I am looking for in posting, but today is one of my more anxious days. I'm 24 weeks with my 2nd little boy, and today, I was supposed to have a follow up ultrasound because of my low lying placenta and because my little guy wasn't in a good position for all of the pictures of his heart and trachea. I'm not concerned about my placenta, but I think I'm just anxious because I was hoping to come out of today with an all clear or more answers if there is something going on because I didn't get much info after the last one other than scheduling the follow up. I still have an appointment with my Doctor so I will chat with her, but I just wanted to come out of today knowing they got to see everything and make sure everything is OK, and I guess I'm just disappointed and have to continue to be worried until we can reschedule. If you got this far...thank you for reading my crazy worried rambling because I don't know if anyone else would really understand!