On my own, first pregnancy


Hi, I am actually 35 and years ago and when I was with my ex husband, I tried conceiving, just to be told I wouldn’t be able to without any fertility treatments. I didn’t want to pay for them so I just accepted the fact that motherhood wasn’t in my cards. Years later, ex husband and I go separate ways, I get a boyfriend who is actually overjoyed I can’t have children. Almost two years later, I end up pregnant. Not anything I expected and certainly never even had scares before. I am 8 weeks now and he wants nothing to do with my baby. Saying I betrayed him and lied to him.

His family is overjoyed about the situation but his mother thinks I won’t be a good mom because I don’t know how to take charge In the house. I have dealt with man babies all my life who refuse to listen to their own mothers but I don’t know how to take control? Ok. Anyway because his family is so hard, I don’t really have anyone to emotionally support me through this. Im afraid to tel my own family because I don’t live in their state and I’m sure if I tell them the story, they will beg me to come to them. As well as hate him and his family. I’m scared and I get into my feels, watching other families be so overjoyed when I have this miracle that wasn’t supposed to happen and everyone’s telling me, suck it up. No ones even interested in going with me to appointments. I only have my best friend that is so excited for me but she lives in a different state. I have never felt so alone in such an important time in my life. I’m just wondering if anyone else has had this issue.
