Pregnant or PCOS period

This is just me venting a frustration, not a question. I’m trying to conceive and my periods had actually become regular (for the first time in my life) on Clomid.

Then I saw a different OBGYN because mine broke her hand and was out of office for a while and the different doc stopped my Clomid (so many issues with this doc, switching soon, she basically just tells you that she won’t deal with you unless you’re already pregnant 🙄).

And now I’m playing the waiting game. Period is now 8 days late, keep getting negative pregnancy tests, ovulation tests don’t work for me and now I wait.

Like can I take advil? Can I drink that glass of wine? Can I eat that lunch meat?? Who knows! Not me!

****And yes, I realize that even if I was pregnant now that it would be too early for any of that to affect it. Try convincing my anxiety of that though because I’m losing that battle lol 🙃