False positives!!!


Has anyone else had this many false positives with easy@home??? I keep getting this but I’m not actually pregnant. Or I at least I really don’t think so. I have Pcos and I haven’t had a period since May.

Coincidentally my last period was in May ( i was just coming off of birth control ) and at the end of May is when I started getting these. Is this just not a good brand? I need advice please. No other pregnancy test is showing positive.

Also to add, after 6 months with no period I’m just barely starting to get cramps and an “aching” feeling in my lady area which usually happens when I get a period, but still no period. It’s been happening for about 2 weeks but I haven’t even the tiniest bit of spotting. I’m so confused. Pics of the false positives, they’re all different tests taken at different times and even different months