Should I be worried...?

So yesterday I went to a party for a friend. It was at the bar that my boyfriend works at and just to be clear, it was less then 10 people everyone there had been tested, and it was a private event so only the people at the party were allowed inside. He was working the whole night but every now and again he could come out and enjoy the party a little. I noticed that my boyfriend was getting along with a whole group of people from the party which is no surprise. He can talk to anyone and make them laugh. But I noticed one particular girl who was kinda talking to him a lot. Closer to the end of the party, I saw my boyfriend and her exchange Snapchat’s and I saw her kinda twirl her hair around and I knew she was flirting. Now, any chance I got to see my boyfriend that night, I would go and hug him and I was standing right next to them as they did the exchange. I came up to him and hugged him again and she just looked at me. Then she left with her friends. I’ve been through a lot in my life and I’ve hurt so many times. I don’t trust people really anymore and I overthink all the time about stuff that I probably shouldn’t. I’m not really the jealous type by all means. And I love my boyfriend very much and I know he loves me but there is always that feeling in me that thinks I’m not good enough for him and that he could do better. My biggest fear is him leaving me because I’m too much for him. It happened once in my life already and it hurt me so badly. I do trust him but at the same time, I don’t trust that I’m good enough. Should I be worried about this??