Depression sucks

Depression sucks.


I've battled with depression since my young teens, and back then I didn't even know that's what it was. I may be young (just shy of 30) but I have lived a few lifetimes in my three decades, none of which have been good.

Check on your friends and the people in your life you are close to. Tell them you love them and that you mean it. Tell them they matter. Depression manifests in so many ways, and can go unnoticed for so long. I myself am trying to just make it a day, an hour at a time.

Depression is being a little more quiet than normal.

Depression is being more tired.

Depression is not having that sparkle in their eye.

Depression is not wanting to do their normal things they love.

Depression is working extra to distract.

Depression is neglecting self care.

Depression is so many things.

I knew I was bad here lately. I didn't realize how bad I was, until I realized that I had no idea when the last time was that I brushed my teeth. I normally brush twice a day, and even try to floss once a day. I knew I was showering less often. But I could not remember the last time I brushed my teeth. It disgusted me.

I realize this is gross... And please don't make fun of my teeth, I know they are terrible. The amount of blood I spit into the sink was insane.

Like I said, I knew I was bad, I just didn't realize how bad.

Please check on those you care about. Make sure they are okay. Thankfully for me, it's just my gums that are bloody. Some aren't so lucky.