Am I being cheated on?

I have been dating this guy for about 2 months now. We will name him Cody. Well Cody lives in another state. Cody snapped me the other night while I was at work and he said, “I wanna see you not your friend.” I was working alone, no one else would have gone into my phone, and him and I were literally talking about plate designs. Not to mention he was smiling all flirty in the snap. Well then he said “oh that was for my brother he is super drunk and I want to make sure he isn’t doing anything dumb.” And then continued to tell a story about how the night before his brother got drunk and tried to snort smarties because he wanted to be smart. But I know damn well he would have told me if his brother tried to do something like that. Ever since that happened I haven’t really felt the same. I feel like I have distanced myself because I might already know what’s happening. I have been cheated on in every single relationship but one.

Also I can’t tell if he is becoming possessive and weird. We were talking like a week ago and I said something about being really lucky to have him in my life and he said “ you are my most prized possession.” Like am I just some trophy to him? I’m not a possession. Then he feels the need to constantly remind me every single day that I am his and he doesn’t share. Obviously that is the case. I don’t need to be reminded about the rules in a relationship.

Idk maybe I’m just overthinking it but I want to end it if it could be getting possessive and if he is possibly cheating on me. I am supposed to go visit him in a few months with my family but I won’t know what to tell them if I cancel the trip. Help???

Thank you for all the help so far. I really appreciate it.

To ad one small thing he also leaves on delivered after he gets off work for like and hour or two and then says his boss made him work late. Idk if it’s true or not