One year ttc

Last November my fiancé and I started trying to have a baby, it took a few cycles but that following March we got our positive, which was great but then it ended up turning into a miscarriage ten days later. Of course, ever since then we’ve been continuing to try but due to my anxiety disorder I’m already stressed out a lot so I didn’t wanna add tracking my cycles to the list of things to worry about. If it happened, it happened and we would be happy if it did. I met with an OB and ran tests and had an internal ultrasound done because I have extremely irregular periods but everything came back normal which is great. Well this month I’m trying to get really serious about trying to get pregnant again. This is the first time since before I got pregnant with my chemical pregnancy earlier this March that I’ve felt excited about trying to conceive again. I don’t track bbt because I wake up all hours of the night and I sleep with a heater and I’m diagnosed with mittelschmerz so my doctor said attacking my bbt would be useless because it wouldn’t be accurate. My question is can you ladies give me some really good ttc tips?? I’m on cycle day 12 today and I ovulate anywhere between 15-26 days into my cycle any given month, what do you suggest I do to cover my bases so the speed is waiting for the egg? What were some ways you reduced stress and anxiety and how did you cope with starting to feel excited again about ttc? (I don’t really have friends to talk to that understand and are excited with me so it’s been pretty lonely feeling and I’m skeptical about being excited again in fear that I’ll have another miscarriage in a future pregnancy).

Of course any other tips and advice are very wanted and needed!! Lol. It’s been an entire year with lots of heart ache and I want to take back control.