Birthday or no birthday

So tomorrow is my birthday and I’m 8 months pregnant, especially due to covid I don’t want to go out and there’s not much to do anyway. My boyfriend wants to spend the day with me, which I am grateful for but I’m honestly not in the mood to celebrate it this year. We have been fighting and I’ve been depressed all day. I’m so busy and due to the baby’s due date coming up I’m beyond stressed out.

On top of it my grandmother and mother want to join us, and they ruined 3 months of my pregnancy with drama for wanting to bury my dad with his family (near his parents and grandparents) and they said I ruined everything and I’m the blame for everything, and it was in his will (Mind you he committed suicide 3 years ago and has been not put to rest and then I bought my moms house to get her out of debt and she left my dad here).

I just want a negative free day