My boyfriend friend

I don’t like my boyfriend friend.

I feel threatened by their relationship. I read articles that say that I am jealous, then I read articles that I am right to feel this way.

I told him I feel uncomfortable and he said not to worry. She is married and he recently is widowed so she had been a great help, but he told me he slept with her. That shock me, and they are still in contact. He says there is nothing there, but they still in contact. He says he doesn’t want to be that guy to break up her home, and that now he is friends with her husband; but I would think you would back off and she would back off, but she calls everyday to check up on him. I know he confides in her about us, which makes me feel even worse.

I want to leave but every time I do he is calling. I feel bad, and feel that it’s not Christian to ignore him. He wants a relationship but I feel that I can’t do it with her hanging around everyday, even during the Covid she has been there. It makes me look immature if I say anything more.

He asks me why and I let him know, but he says I am making him choose. So I said I will remove myself, he said I shouldn’t do that. But I am okay with leaving so he can find someone else who doesn’t know so much or seen so much (text etc).

She cheated on her husband with him; I know all about it and is the reason why I am not happy, because I can’t respect her, I don’t know her, and can’t understand why would a woman put her family at risk by having an affair. In my eyes the woman is meant to stronger in ensuring that kids aren’t left vulnerable, even if a husband is messing around or not, women should hold the household.

I lost respect for him, which I said, but he say he knows, but he was messed up from the death of his wife. I understand, but I can’t get to grips with it so it’s best to walk away. He has kids who I get along with very well, which he says is one of the qualities about me. He doesn’t want to introduce any women to them, so he doesn’t want to go out on dates.

I am being unreasonable or over sensitive.

I scared if not now he will cheat, but later when I am in too deep.

Thank you for reading. I will take any advice right now.

Thank you so much for comments. I am literally in tears I appreciate you for your advice. Stay safe.

I hope I will find someone one day. Sometimes I think no one will come along, 36 and still waiting, never been married,no kids but blessed with my nephew. Still hoping. 🙏🏾